

Grace Yoga is here to help you find physical and mental balance and an awareness to move from the present moment. You will learn tools to help you relieve stress and cultivate a healthy, enriched, balanced, and love-centered life.  You are so important and valuable. 

You can take a yoga class or meditate with me on YouTube or InsightTimer.

I am an RYT 500 certified Yoga instructor, a certified meditation guide, and a certified Ayurvedic Life Coach.

My Transformation Story

Yoga, Ayurveda, and Meditation changed my life. I used to weigh almost 200 pounds. I was tired all the time — I didn’t feel good and I didn’t feel good about myself. I felt stuck in a vicious lifestyle of eating unhealthy, addictive foods. I wanted a change, so I started practicing yoga in 2000. I also learned Ayurveda, and this powerful tool taught me how to enjoy food without dieting.

Now I feel great! My weight is consistent. I feel freer, lighter, and happier.

My passions are my Christian faith, family, food, Yoga, and Yoga Nidra.

Om Shanti,